600 W. Jefferson Street . Original 1898 house before 1930s fire . 1902 photo |
“After the death of merchant Henry M. Broom, this one-story frame Queen Anne cottage passed to his daughter Odessa Maynor and her husband John C. Maynor in 1915. Built about 1898 after Broom purchased the lot. Originally two stories in height, it was reduced to one story after a fire in the 1930s. Clipped gable bays project on the facade and side elevations from the hip-roofed main block, and a tin-roofed front porch with heavy turned posts spans the facade and continues on the east elevation. Under the porch the house is sheathed with narrow clapboards, while the rest of the house has standard weatherboard siding. The facade has two full-length two over two windows; other windows are standard size two over two sash. The entrance is a Victorian door whose glass panel has a stained glass border. There are rebuilt interior brick chimneys and one-story ells on the rear.” (National Register)
"H.M. Broom, dealer in staple and fancy groceries, began merchandising in Monroe in May, 1882, where the express office now is. In 1890 he moved to his present large store in the Houston block and took into partnership with him Moses Cone, of Baltimore. Mr. Cone continued his connection with the business until he married, when he presented to Mrs. Cone his interest in the store as a bridal present. Mrs. Cone remained a partner for about a year and then sold out to Mr. Broom. He has been sole owner ever since. Mr. Broom started out with a very limited capital, but by industry, close attention to business, and by quick sales and small profits, he has built up a big trade and accumulated considerable property. Besides his beautiful residence on Jefferson street, he owns several nice houses and lots in Monroe and in North Monroe. Henry Broom, as his friends familiarly call him, firmly believes in the maxim that 'honesty is the best policy.' If you have any dealings with him he will surely treat you right, as his legion of friends and patrons will testify." (Stack & Beasley's Sketches of Monroe and Union County 1902)